Kohima Tokenomics and KHM Distribution.

Kohima Finance
Jan 13, 2021


Total Supply = 10,00,000 KHM.

Total KHM Supply divided into two parts, each with 500k allocation.

Allocation #1 — For Gamers and Streamer Rewards.

Reserved Fund for Esports Activities = 500,000 KHM.

All esports activities like reward distributions to gamers and streamers and tournament bounties are also distributed from allocation #1.

Allocation #2 — For Marketing & Development, Pre-sale, Yield Farming, and Team rewards.

Pre-sale allocation = ~35,000 KHM.
Uniswap Liquidity Reserve = ~ 65,000 KHM.

Farming Rewards = ~100,000 KHM.

Team Rewards = 100,000 KHM (vested for 5 years) = 767 KHM/ 2 WEEKS.

Marketing and Development = 2,00,000 (vested for 5 years) = 1534 KHM/ 2 WEEKS.

More details are published on the sokudo launchpad website here: http://sokudo.capital/kohima-finance/

